Earning a designation or certification is a great way to learn more about different aspects of the real estate industry. Here’s how to ensure you and your clients receive the most benefit from your designations.


A list of letters after your name won’t mean much to most people. Use the full name of the designation where you can. For designation names that don’t clearly describe what they represent, a short explanation is valuable.

Market Your Higher Level of Knowledge and Skill

Detail in your marketing materials and in person how much training you took and how that knowledge translates to better results for your clients. If your designation is not widely held, mention that, too.


Some designations have a formal process to give and receive referrals. For those that don’t, you can attend events to network with designees from outside your market.


Make sure your designation information is up to date in REALTOR® searches and other listings where people search for agents.


Even if you earned the designation years ago, you can review course materials, access online discussion groups, 阅读杂志和电子邮件, and find other ways to continue to benefit.

小贴士: New members of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® get a $50 discount off of a Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI) class valid for the first two years of membership. 访问 ngskmc-eis.net/gri 了解更多信息.